Saturday, January 23, 2010

ETK - Variety Day

week 3 day 6
ROP Practice day 

buy in:
  • 20 squats
  • 20 pushups
  • 20 get up sit ups with a dowel

C&P ladders 3X3 with pullups (16kg)

cash out:
snatch practice (16kg)
1/2 snatch 4X3l/3r
5th round 1/2 snatch  1X10l/10r :)

C&P ladders: 
**2 min. rest between ladders
**right arm only had to pp once, left arm had to pp a couple of times....  
**1 min. rest between sets, 
**felt good: good form, no banging on the arm 
** I usually tear up my hands coming down from the snatch and by practicing the 1/2 snatch I'm hoping this will help with that...
**will review Jordan's corrections dvd later this weekend as a general review for form