Saturday, May 29, 2010



buy in:
  • 2 rounds
  • 10 halos (8kg)
  • 10 squats
  • 10 pushups

  • 5X3,5,7 c&p with pullups (14kg)

cash out:
  • Swings (20kg & 16kg)
  • 9 minutes
  • 45 seconds on/ 15 seconds off
  • as follows:
  • 1st round  - 2 handed 20kg
  • rest of rounds alternated arms each round -16kg

* rested 3 minutes between 1-4 ladders, rested 3.5 minutes after the 4th ladder
* ladders 3-5 rested 1 minute between 5 rungs and 7 rungs
* form looked GREAT! 
*I had no banging of my forearms on the clean and good tension on the press =)
* knew I didn't have it this morning to do 9 minutes of 45/15 with the 20kg so I just did one round of that
* 9 minutes is tough - made it through by the skin of my teeth!!!!

* whole workout took exactly an hour! I was surprised since I rested so much during the c&p's and rested a full 5 minutes before I started the swings! I think doing the 3,5,7 is faster for the heavy day - and I like it better!