buy in:
- 12kg
- 3l/3r
- 1 legged press
- 16kg
- 10X1
cash out:
- must complete in 5 minutes or less:
- 10 swings/ 1 burpee
- 10 swings/ 2 burpees
- 10 swings/ 3 burpees
- .... till
- 10 swings/ 10 burpees
- 20kg kettlebell
- TIME: 7 minutes
* one legged press went better after the 3rd ladder
* right side went up every time no problem - left side-> wonky
* tried the v sit press first, right side went up - left side couldn't move it past my ear!!
*made a mistake using the heavy bell!
* next time I will use the 12kg
* when I got to the 10 swings/9 burpees - after the 10 swings it was 5 minutes
* I had taken NO breaks before that, saw I was at the 5 min. mark, so I took a short break before the 9 burpees and again before the 10 burpees.
* I will be doing this exact same workout next week and I will be using the lighter bell for the cashout.. I think I can do 5 minutes with the different kettlebell.