buy in:
- 2 rounds
- 10 halos (8kg)
- 10 wall squats
- 5X3 long c&p with pullups (16kg)
cash out:
- Snatches (16kg)
- 10 minutes
- at the top of the minute:
- 5l/ 5r
* working on the long clean, most went well, but my press is much harder now with the 16kg-
* with the 16kg- had a few pp's
* dropped to the 30#kb for the 4th and 5th ladder - much better clean and press
* went well =)
* really worked on my back swing and the points discussed with Mike the RKC
* still not 100% but getting there!
* 2 rounds I did 3l/3r
* after the 5l/5r - only 20 seconds left till the next round
Overall practice went well. I am still confused what size kb to use for my c&p.