from b2d - see link above
Buy in:
- 3 rounds
- at the top of each minute:
- jump rope :30 seconds (white manila)
- 2 pullups
- Running the Bells
- 4 rounds
- 8kg up to 20 kg and back down to 8kg = 1 round
- HS swings
- 10 - 2 handed swings each bell
- set up bells as follows:
- 8kg
- 12kg
- 14kg
- 16kg
- 20kg
- total swings: 330
- time: 14 minutes**
cash out:
- 3 rounds:
- 10 kte's (form was spot on!)
- 90 second mt. athlete abs
* fun workout. a definite do again!
* really works your grip!
** took a 20 second break after the 3rd round otherwise, went straight from bell to bell, no breaks in between.